Treasure Isle nuovi tesori delle Mayan Isle III

La nuova mappa di Treasure Isle Mayan III ci porta anche nuovi tesori da cercare :

  • Mayan Clothing (comune)
  • The Lost Explorer (non comune)
  • Prince’s Haratitos’s (raro)
Mappa Mayan III Rarita’ Pezzi del Tesoro Isole Premio
Mayan Clothing Comune Sandals, Poncho, Blouse, Shoulder Garment, Clothing Belt Hidden Waters, Mystic Lake, Isle of Time Clothesline
30 XP
The Lost Explorer Non Comune Fedora, Bull Whip, Satchel, Leather Jacket, Journal Mystic Lake, Isle of Time, Great Rune Pineapples
100 XP
Prince’s Haritatos’s Raro Brooch, Charm, Pendant, Platbars, Bracelet Stony Path, Hidden Waters, Mystic Lake Treasure Chest
100 XP

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